Kamis, 13 Oktober 2016

Why I Choosing The Study Major

Assalammu'allaikum Wr. Wb, best wishes to us

Here I want to tell the reasons I chose the faculty of agriculture courses agrbisnis, the reason is I want to improve my knowledge of the business world and the notion of starting a business, it was in because I mlihat many business opportunities that exist in Kapuas upstream, one in Suhaid nanga districts. Suhaid districts in the know with arowana fish farming / siluk, arawana type is cultivated is a kind of super red, however, because of the way in exploiting these opportunities tend to be wrong, so that the interest of consumers against arowana fish less. Therefore kedepanya I look forward to studying in the faculty of agriculture agribusiness study program is that I can improve business especially in the farming sector arowana. Behind my struggle to get into the faculty of agriculture agribusiness courses there is some encouragement that the encouragement of my parents to continue the efforts of my father as a businessman arowana and it became my motivation to become stronger. I also have a dark history of the world prior to taking the course, how to try once I had a boyfriend who always encouraged me, but when I said I wanted to study my girlfriend mad for fear if I cheated. Because at that time I did not want to be decided then I decided not to college and follow my parents arowana fish business. Then in 2009, I broke up because of differences in vision with my girlfriend that wanted him in celebrating the shore, whereas I want to celebrate his birthday was in the mountains. Because of these differences we broke up, although in the end we arrange a meeting on the legislative elections in 2010 yesterday and I choose to not going out first because I am more concerned with the education of the world of romance. And that's when I chose the faculty of agriculture where I studied now.

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